Can skin damage caused by the sun be repaired or even reversed?
Many of us love to spend time in the sun to get that tan or the glow, but do you know the toll it takes on our skin?
This is because the UV rays of the sun can damage our skin and lead to sun burns. The tanning pigment (melanin) starts to increase when the DNA of the skin cells are damaged by UV radiation. Although, most of us will love that glow or the new tan we obtain by staying long hours in the sun, UV rays can cause skin aging and add years to our looks. The worst is increasing the risk of developing skin cancers like melanoma.
Intense and repeated exposure to UV rays of the sun results in sun burn and risk of sun damage. These include;
1) Premature aging of skin (photo aging) – repeated sun burns speed up the aging process of your skin. The skin changes caused by UV rays are;
Reducing the elasticity of skin and weakening of connective tissue, leading to thinning of skin, fine lines and wrinkles
Dry, rough skin
Appearance of fine blood vessels
Dark spots (solar lentigenes)
3) Skin cancer such as melanoma –
These may appear as a new suspicious lesion or as a change in an existing mole.
Have you ever wondered about being able to reverse or repair this skin damage? Although it is not possible to reverse all these changes, it is possible to reverse some of these effects to a certain extent. Read on to find out more about how the skin damage caused by the sun can be repaired.
Protect your skin from harmful UV rays
Do you have any UPF Clothing?
Don’t wait till your skin turns pink and painful to use a sun block or sun protective clothing.
During sun burn the DNA of the skin cells get damaged which can lead to signs of aging and even skin cancer. By using a broad spectrum sun screen of at least SPF 50, you can counteract the damage before it sets in. When you protect your skin from future UV radiation, it will give your skin enough time to repair the damaged DNA.
Let’s look at ways of reversing signs of sun damage…
If your skin has got dry, rough patches, you can gently exfoliate to remove the dead skin cells by using a suitable scrub. This will reveal the soft skin beneath the top layer of dead skin. Use a good emollient to moisturize your skin. Drinking plenty of water can fight dehydration and replenish moisture of your skin.
Increase your antioxidant intake – through diet or as dietary supplements : Eat plenty of fruits, leafy greens, salmon, berries, seeds and nuts. Examples of skin friendly antioxidants include glutathione, beta carotene, Vitamin A, C, E, hyaluronic acid, astaxanthin
Skin lightening creams – Ex: Hydroquinone, Kojic acid, glycolic acid These are to be used only on pigmented areas
Using retinoids (Tretinoin, Retin-A)
Wrinkles are formed when collagen and elastin are broken down by UV rays. As retinoids are known to boost collagen production, it can help to smooth fine lines and to fade away pigmentation. It is important to use retinoids only at night while using a sun block during day time. This is because retinoids can make your skin sensitive and susceptible to sun damage.
There are plenty of skin care products in the market that promises reversal of sun damage. However, it is best to consult your dermatologist before you start on any treatment for damaged skin.
There are various procedures that can be done to reverse or repair some of the skin damage caused by the sun.
Chemical peeling – With salicylic acid, glycolic acid This will help to remove upper layer of skin which is damaged, to reveal the healthy skin underneath. Chemical peeling will reduce fine lines and dark spots.
Microdermabrasion – Outer layer of skin is removed using crystals or diamond tips. It stimulates collagen synthesis. Microdermabrasion is helpful to reduce wrinkles and pigmentation.
Cryotherapy – Use of liquid nitrogen to freeze and burn sun spots and actinic keratoses which eventually peel away.
Sun protection is truly the key to prevent sun damage. Instead of concentrating on finding ways to reverse sun damage, always focus on prevention. A broad spectrum sun block with SPF of at least 50 and sun protective clothing can play a major role in sun protection.